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Fighting Human Trafficking in Atlanta, GA

As a business with a strong sense of community, I Gotta Dump refuses to turn a blind eye to human trafficking in Atlanta, GA, which is a big problem in our city. Instead, we face this issue and make it our cause to fight human trafficking to make our city safer for children, teens, and adults who might otherwise be victims. Human trafficking is one of the world’s quickest growing criminal industries. This issue is a domestic concern since 85% of confirmed sex-trafficking victims are United States citizens. In fact, most of these victims are runaway children. These people often experience homelessness or feel disconnected from their friends and family. These situations make them susceptible to traffickers luring them by promising food, warmth, or false love. After traffickers snatch these people, they sell them for the highest price.

person looking through hole in cardboard

I Gotta Dump Stands by Our Mission

I Gotta Dump stays active in the fight against human trafficking. We do what we can to help find and save victims and prevent more people from falling into this criminal trap. Human trafficking is a growing problem no one can ignore. The victims may be our friends, coworkers, family members, and friends of our children. No matter who they might be, we fight to protect them. Our company accepts donations that go toward this cause, and we greatly appreciate all contributors. This is a fight we all must face, including business owners, public figures, and private citizens. We hope you will join us in our mission and ongoing effort to stop human trafficking in and around our city.

Accepting Donations to Go Toward This Cause

Donating is easy, and your money will go directly to our mission to fight human trafficking in Atlanta and surrounding areas. You can contribute by mailing donations of your choice to 538 Cheatham Road, Acworth, GA 30101. Every bit helps, and we hope community members recognize the need for action and funding to fight and prevent this issue.

Contact I Gotta Dump Today!